Delivering top-quality products that perform as expected is paramount to Palsgaard and to our customers – and we will do our utmost to ensure that our products deliver, every time! Before production starts, all raw materials delivered to Palsgaard undergo extensive quality control involving a range of highly specialised and detailed analyses. This ensures that each delivery meets the specifications for identity, physical form, chemical purity and functionality.
Our finished products also undergo an intensive process before being released for distribution. They are analysed in a positive release system, which checks compliance with functional performance parameters and chemical specifications defined for the product.
Within bakery and confectionery, we even take it a step further to ensure the reliable performance of our products: Every batch of PGPR and AMP is tested for its viscosity-reducing power in real chocolate, just as every batch of Emulpals® undergoes ABC-testing in real sponge cakes.
As a food ingredient manufacturer, food safety is paramount in the way we manage operations in and across our production sites. Our stringent raw materials control programme coupled with a robust supplier management process underpins our clean track record of no food safety incidents and product recalls. Palsgaard’s production facilities are maintained according to world-class standards and our employees have a solid culture of awareness and understanding of food safety and critical control points.
In 2017, a global Quality, Environment, Health and Safety (QEHS) manager was appointed along with a newly-created department to implement global procedures and support across all of our production sites. The department’s scope of procedures spans the entire food safety and quality process, covering all the steps from raw material supply and control until the final distribution of our products.
All of our production plants have been certified to meet the requirements of ISO 22000, a food safety management system. Our plants in Denmark, Brazil, Malaysia, Mexico and the Netherlands fulfil additional requirements for Prerequisite Programmes laid down in ISO/TS 22001-1, therefore meeting the requirements of the ISO22000-FSSC, which is recognised by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). As part of this certification, all production sites comply with relevant legislation in the countries in which we operate.
Our suppliers undergo a thorough approval process through the Responsible Sourcing Programme. The process also encompasses a food fraud vulnerability assessment and regular performance reviews. Tight quality control procedures require that suppliers provide product specifications, analysis certificates and reference samples with all deliveries.
The raw material approval process ensures that materials are fit for purpose and requires approval from our regulatory team, product managers and the quality team. We strive to source high-quality raw materials and avoid GMO raw materials, placing us in the position to manufacture some of the highest quality products.
A local food safety team is responsible for risk assessment of all processes at each of our production sites. We carefully manage cleaning, sanitation, foreign body control and allergen handling. Access to factories, stores and related equipment is also strictly controlled. Storage facilities are approved according to regulations and the quality of packaging and sealing of products is closely monitored. Best practices are deployed in pest control, and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) audits and glass audits are conducted regularly. Adding an additional layer of assurance is our Food Defence Programme which addresses the threat of the contamination or adulteration of food products.
Food safety is managed via Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), according to Codex Alimentarius and in compliance with the European Regulation on the hygiene of foodstuffs (852/2004). Built-in traceability in every production batch allows specific delivery recalls if it is ever necessary. Our internal procurement policy together with a product and quality policy outlines that raw materials and products fully conform to food safety and quality criteria.
As part of the on-boarding process, production employees are trained in personal hygiene and food safety awareness. By embedding food safety into our work culture, we aim to maintain our record of zero food safety incidents and product recalls.
Over the years, Palsgaard's internal audit system has provided a great number of benefits. Around 10 percent of our employees in Denmark across various departments have been trained as internal auditors. This enthusiastic team provides a continuous flow of ideas for quality and efficiency improvements, which are then passed on for management review.
Customer satisfaction is close to the heart of everyone at Palsgaard. We conduct a customer satisfaction survey every two years and results have continually shown that customer service and satisfaction is a true strength of our company. Particularly high scores are awarded to our product quality, product documentation, delivery quality, ordering procedure and the attitude of our 'heart working' staff. In the event of a product complaint, our complaint management system has been designed to handle matters efficiently and effectively through to resolution.
Equipped with a new head of QEHS and a highly skilled team, Palsgaard will work towards establishing a global food safety team for knowledge-sharing across all of our manufacturing sites. A global QEHS policy review will be undertaken along with the development of a Palsgaard standard for Quality and Food Safety. By engaging in these improvement activities, we will be ready to meet the demands of tomorrow’s food safety and quality requirements while continually striving to develop safe and innovative ingredients for our global customers.